Keep More Of Your Money! Avoid Huge Dental Bills With This Home Remedy

When you visit the dentist, the last thing you want to hear is that you need a lot of dental work done. Not only does this news elevate your blood pressure, but it also drains your bank account quickly. But you can save some of your hard-earned money by completing a little trick that gets rid of plaque at home. Use this home remedy once per week so that your next dental visit is one that truly makes you smile.

When Your Child Needs An Emergency Tooth Extraction

Emergency tooth extraction occurs when a tooth is so damaged or decayed that it is no longer viable. In most cases, tooth extraction occurs when a tooth is no longer receiving nutrients because the root is gone or because lack of dental care has caused tooth death. Less common, an emergency tooth extraction would be necessary in the case of an injury to the face or mouth that compromises the integrity of the tooth.

Ways to Treat Pain and Anxiety Before A Root Canal Procedure

If your dentist has recommended you have a root canal done to restore the viability of your teeth's roots, you are most likely very anxious and maybe a bit scared of the entire procedure. Root canals have gotten a bad rap over the years and many people believe having a root canal means a great deal of pain. While having a root canal is not 100% pain-free, you do not need to become a victim of the tall tales being told about the pain.

Dental Implant Maintenance Tips

If you've recently been recommended for, or fitted with, a dental implant, you should know that good oral hygiene will be more important than ever. Natural teeth contain interior blood vessels and an anchoring ligament, which provide the tooth itself and the surrounding region with nutrition and disease-combating white blood cells. As implants lack these organic structures, they are somewhat more vulnerable to disease and infection. Regular, careful maintenance is critical not only to the long-term success of your implants, but also to the overall health of your mouth (any infections could place your gums, jaw, and other teeth at risk, too).

Anatomy Of A Dental Implant

If you're getting ready to have dental implants put into your mouth, you probably want to know as much as possible about this dental prosthetic that should remain in your mouth for the rest of your life. In order to understand the process of putting a dental implant in the mouth, it helps to know a little bit about the three parts of an implant. The following is a brief explanation of each of these parts and the parts work together to replace teeth: