3 Options Your Dentist Can Offer To Improve The Look Of Your Smile

Are you unsatisfied with your smile, or do you often find yourself trying to hide your teeth while talking? If so, your dentist may be able to help you get a smile that you will be proud to show off to the world. In addition to helping you obtain and maintain good oral health, your dentist is also able to offer a variety of cosmetic solutions which can help improve the look of your smile. Below you can learn more about three of the cosmetic options your dentist can offer you. 

Option #1: Tooth Whitening

One of the most common issues that people have with the way their teeth look is discoloration. This problem is so common because a variety of the foods and drinks that people consume daily have the potential to stain tooth enamel even if the individual brushes and flosses regularly. If your teeth are badly stained or otherwise discolored, your dentist may be able to help you eliminate this problem through professional teeth whitening. This procedure allows dentists to remove even deep stains with the use of powerful bleaching agents. It is important to note that while you will see results after just one treatment, this process may require multiple treatments to achieve the results you are looking for if you are hoping to lighten your teeth by several shades. 

Option #2: Porcelain Veneers

If you suffer from severe discoloration, minor spacing problems, or have chipped teeth, porcelain veneers may be able to help you get a picture-perfect smile rather quickly. This is because porcelain veneers are made to fit over the front of your teeth to hide away any imperfections and allow you to present a perfect smile to the world. To ensure your veneers provide a natural-looking smile, your dentist will have your veneers custom-made for you using a mold of your natural teeth. This option is best suited to people whose teeth are in good health since this solution is purely cosmetic and will do nothing to address underlying issues such as decay or gum disease.

Option #3: Dental Implants

If the cosmetic issues with your teeth are the result of oral health issues, you may be best served by the use of dental implants. When using dental implants, your unhealthy tooth is extracted and the root is replaced with an implant that is surgically placed in your jaw. This implant is then topped with a custom-made dental crown which replaces your tooth above the gums. This option can be ideal for people who not only want a more beautiful smile but that also need to address issues such as severe decay. 
