Three Reasons Why Dental Implants Last Longer Than Dentures Or Bridges

Dental implants are an excellent method of replacing missing teeth. If you've done some research on the topic, or talked to your dentist about it, you may already know that typically, dental implants last a lot longer than dentures or dental bridges. There's a few qualities that dental implants have that these other teeth replacement methods don't, and that's why they last so much longer. Here's three of the biggest differences that make them long-lasting.


Dental bridges tend to be made out of a combination of composite metals and porcelain, while dentures are usually made of resin. Dental implants, on the other hand, are primarily made out of titanium.

Titanium is utilized in all kinds of medical replacements, like fixing damaged knees or hips. It's a great choice for these needs as well as dental applications because titanium is extremely strong. However, it's also not very dense, so it doesn't put unnecessary weight on your gums or jaw. The crown on top of the implant is usually made of the same porcelain as dental bridges, but this strong base is part of what causes its longevity.

Bone Support

Dental implants also last longer than other methods because of the way that they're set up. Dentures and bridges both sit on top of your gums, with bridges being connected with metal wires and dentures with adhesive. Excessive strain on the wires or on the resin that dentures are made out of can cause them to crack, break, or become displaced.

However, dental implants are inserted under the surface of the gums and reach down to the jaw bone. When they're put in place, the body responds by building new, healthy bone around the base of the implant. Bone is very durable, and helps to keep the implant in place, reducing the risk of damage to the implant.

Easy Fix

There isn't a dental replacement method that's 100% invulnerable to damage, but with implants, there's far less of a hassle to fix any problems.

For example, dentures typically need to be fully replaced if they're cracked or broken. A new mold may also need to be taken of your mouth in order to ensure that the new one fits properly. With dental bridges, if the wires or crowns are damaged, the entire piece needs to be removed and either repaired or replaced.

With dental implants, if something happens to the crown on top, it can be taken off and replaced immediately. Temporary crowns can be put on top in an emergency, or your dentist can make a copy of the one you've been using and put that on top instead. In either case, the base of the implant doesn't need to be removed, making the replacement process extremely easy and affordable.
