4 Reasons Why A Root Canal Procedure Is The Best Solution For Toothache

It is estimated that more than 15 million root canals are performed in the United States every year to treat pulp inflammation. If the nerve to the root is damaged, you may experience severe tooth pain when chewing food. You may also experience discoloration of the tooth or prolonged sensitivity. In some extreme cases, there may be tenderness and swelling in the nearby gums. If you visit a dentist, they may perform a root canal procedure to remove the infected and inflamed pulp and disinfect the inside of the tooth.

Here are four reasons why you should consider a root canal for a toothache:

1. It Saves Your Natural Tooth

If the infected pulp is not removed, the tooth may have to be extracted. Once you lose your tooth, you are likely to suffer from the effects of tooth loss, such as altered speech, concern about appearance, and loss of self-confidence. You will also have to bear with risks of tooth extraction, including:

  •  Bleeding
  •  Redness and swelling at the surgical site
  •  A possible infection
  •  Inability to eat 

Thus, your dentist will do everything within their power to save the infected tooth. Most likely, they recommend a root canal procedure.

2. It Prevents Jawbone Degeneration

If the tooth infection is not treated, your jawbone will gradually deteriorate. Bone loss weakens the jawbone, leading to the loss of even healthy teeth. Although jawbone deterioration is linked to other factors, such as trauma and malocclusion, tooth infection is also a leading cause. Thus, a root canal is one way of ensuring healthy teeth, gum, mouth, and jaw.

3. It Controls the Spread of the Infection

Tooth infection mainly starts as a minor decay. If left untreated, the cavity becomes a big hole or opening that extends to the pulp. In due time, you get pulpitis, a condition that is characterized by severe inflammation of the dental pulp, commonly known as a toothache. In some extreme cases, the nerves may die due to limited blood supply into the tooth. For such a situation to be prevented, a tooth canal treatment is recommended at the onset of the cavity to prevent the further spread of the infection.

4. It's a Pain-Free and Cost-Effective Procedure

Most people shy away from a root canal procedure for fear that it is painful. However, the use of anesthesia makes the treatment painless. You will only experience a little discomfort. Also, the cost should not scare you. With as little as $1,111, you can have a root canal for a molar and save if from extraction.


Losing one of your teeth could be your worst nightmare. Apart from having a gap in your smile, you may also have trouble speaking and eating. If you have a toothache, ask your dentist about a root canal procedure instead of tooth extraction.
