5 Signs You Need Emergency Dental Care

By now, you know the importance of visiting your dentist twice a year for a checkup. However, it is sometimes necessary to seek dental care before your scheduled appointment. Knowing what an emergency is and isn't can save you a lot of pain and money in the long run.

Here are a few signs you need emergency dental care.

You Have a Severe Toothache

Experiencing mild tooth pain when you accidentally bite down on something hard is one thing. When you have a severe toothache, it becomes a dental emergency. Whether it is due to severe decay or a damaged filling, a toothache should be addressed by a dentist promptly. Otherwise, it will just get worse and cause you more pain.

You Have a Loose Tooth

Having a loose tooth when you are a little kid can be exciting. If you are an adult, however, it is a cause for concern. Common causes of loose teeth may include injury, infection, and gum disease. If you see a dentist as soon as possible, he or she may be able to save your tooth.

You Have Frequent Headaches

If you experience headaches often, you might not think they have anything to do with your teeth. After all, headaches can have many causes. However, your head and mouth are closely connected. You may be grinding your teeth while you sleep. Your dentist can give you a custom mouth guard to wear at night.

You Have a Metal Taste in Your Mouth

If your mouth tastes like metal, a metal filling may be loose. Do not wait too long to see a dentist for this issue. Otherwise, you could put your tooth at risk of an infection or a cavity. Your dentist will place a new filling on your tooth.

You Have a Large Chip or Crack

If you sustained a large chip or crack in your tooth, whether from playing sports or biting down on ice, you should seek emergency dental care. If you wait any longer, your tooth may get worse and you will experience excruciating pain. A dentist may be able to repair the chip or crack with a crown.

If you have any of these emergencies, you should call your dentist right away. You do not want to make the problem worse than it is. Your dentist will quickly diagnose the issue and determine the best way to treat it.  
