Tips For Sleeping After Dental Implant Surgery

Dental cosmetic implants are inserted directly into the jaw, and this can be a painful process. This means that you will have to deal with the discomfort that occurs once you go home and start healing from the invasive procedure. And, the pain may not subside for up to two weeks. You may have some sleeping problems due to this, so keep reading to learn about some tips to help you get some rest.

Elevate Your Head

When you lie down to sleep, your head is about the same level or a bit lower than your heart. This type of positioning makes it possible for blood flow to remain sluggish across the head as you rest. This sort of problem is compounded by the reduced rate of the heart when you rest.

When blood flow is stagnant, and an injury has occurred in the body, then cellular debris can start to build up in the region. This can place pressure on the surgical area and cause discomfort. Also, since inflammation is already likely present in the region, the stagnant blood can also create a pressure issue and contribute to the swelling.

Elevating the head above the heart helps to encourage the movement of blood and it also controls inflammation. So, make sure to sleep with two pillows so your head is kept at about a 45 degree angle.

Take Your Pain Relievers

Some people like to forego the strong opiate-based painkillers and will take them only if they are absolutely necessary. However, if you decide not to take them, then you may be making your pain worse. If you are unable to sleep, then your body will be far more sensitive to pain. This is due to the stress hormones released by the body when you do not get the rest that you need.

So, you should take the pain relievers prescribed by your physician, especially for the first few nights when the pain is most severe. This will allow you to get the rest you need so your body can start healing and the pain subsides more quickly.

If you are only taking the medication at night, then take your pill or pills about 30 minutes before you go to bed. Take the medication with a small meal to reduce stomach discomfort and also make sure to drink a full glass of water.

When you start to feel a bit better, then you can switch to taking ibuprofen or acetaminophen in the evening if you prefer.
