What Different Procedures Can Dentists Use To Remove Wisdom Teeth?

Removal of wisdom teeth is not as scary as many believe, and in many cases, the patient will not have a memory of the event. It will all depend on what procedure option the dentist chooses to use. You can make the choice of the road taken. It will be based on what anxiety level you experience and how complex the procedure is considered in your case.

You can choose to have the procedure done in a surgeon's office or the dentist office. If the patient is a high-risk candidate, the procedure can be done in a hospital. This is a good choice if you are having all of the wisdom teeth pulled in one visit. You may be required to take antibiotics if you have an infection in your mouth prior to the procedure.

Conscious Sedation

The patient will receive an oral medication as well as an anti-anxiety pill a short time before the procedure is to take place. Combined, you will be drowsy. You may sleep through the extractions if a large dose administered.

Local Anesthesia

A local anesthesia will block the pain experienced during the procedure. A shot consisting of a numbing medication will be injected into the area of the gums where the extraction will be made. The pain will be blocked during the process.

General Anesthesia

You can be placed in an unconscious state with an IV and oral medication. Heavy doses might allow complete unconsciousness. This is a good option if all or more than one tooth is to be extracted. The patient will not remember anything about the process.

Intravenous Sedation

A patient can receive an intravenous (IV) sedation through a vein or oral medication. The IV is quick acting, but you will be capable of responding to the dentist's commands. However, you will not recall the procedure. A local anesthesia is also used because the IV doesn't eliminate the pain involved.

Nitrous Oxide

A mask is placed over the patient's nose to administer what is also referred to as 'laughing gas.' A combination of oxygen and nitrous oxide will allow you to be relaxed. The effects of the gas will dissipate quickly. The patient can also request an oral medication along with the 'laughing gas.'

After Removal

Some stitches may be required after the wisdom tooth is removed. Some of the stitches automatically dissolve whereas others may require removal in several days. A gauze pad will be placed over the surgical area to eliminate the bleeding.

These options should give you a basic idea of which type of procedure you would like to have. Removing the wisdom teeth may be a good choice in many cases because it can prevent overcrowding of the teeth. In some cases, wisdom teeth may never break the gums. You and the dentist (like those at Oral & Maxillofacial Surgical Associates) can decide the best option for you.
