Dealing with the Affects of Dentinogenesis Imperfecta

Genetic dental conditions are prevalent in many families and they cause issues such as weak enamel. Dentiongensis imperfecta is one such disorder that can cause mild to severe dental issues. This disorder usually affects 1 in every 6–8 thousand people, some of which know very little about genetic dental issues. For this reason, you should look into the symptoms of and treatment options for Dentiongensis imperfecta enamel issues.


Discoloration is a symptom that most people notice about this condition. A blue-grey or brown-yellow color can appear on both baby and permanent teeth. Some people also have a translucent appearance to their enamel when they suffer from Dentinogenesis imperfecta.

The most troubling symptoms of this disorder are teeth that crack, wear down, or come loose on a regular basis. In some cases, the teeth become extremely weak and it is difficult to prevent them from breaking.

If your enamel is weak, it is imperative that you consult a dentist about this disorder. The dentist can exam your teeth, look over your past dental problems, and then determine if Dentinogenesis imperfecta is the cause of your issues.

Treatment Options

Once you have a diagnosis, you still need treatment for the condition. Unfortunately, this disorder is not curable, but you can protect your teeth from further damage.

To help protect your enamel, veneers are your first option. The veneers cover the front portion of your teeth and they act as a shield, which stops the enamel from cracking further. One downside is this process requires additional dental work such as removing a portion of enamel so the veneers do not appear bulky once applied to your teeth.

Another option you have is dental bonding. This method uses a composite resin that the dentist applies directly onto the enamel and then reshapes to resemble the natural shape and size of your teeth. One additional benefit is that dental bonding requires less prep work because the dentist does not have to remove portions of your enamel to complete the process.

For mild cases of this disorder, you can choose to seal your teeth to help stop your teeth from wearing down. A dental sealant is typically a plastic resin that the dentist paints onto the enamel to help protect your teeth. However, this method is not a permanent option and the dentist will need to reapply the sealant occasionally.

Dentinogenesis imperfecta comes with challenges such as discoloration and weakened enamel. Many people are unaware that this disorder exists, which is why you need to visit a dental clinic if you suspect this is the cause of your dental issues. With the guidance of a dentist, you will be able to protect your teeth from further damage.
